title: Sci 16 | Genetics banner: $$LINK$$https://plus.unsplash.com/premium_photo-1676035055997-8a0b479d6e7e banner-position: center tags:
- module standards:
- HS-LS3-1 Ask questions to clarify relationships about the role of DNA and chromosomes in coding the instructions for characteristic traits passed from parents to offspring.
- HS-LS3-2 Make and defend a claim based on evidence that inheritable genetic variations may result from: (1) new genetic combinations through meiosis, (2) viable errors occurring during replication, and/or (3) mutations caused by environmental factors. competencies:
- "Mathematical Modeling"
- "Sharing Ideas" driving-question: What's the deal with DNA? know:
- DNA is the code that programs what an organism will be
- The probability of an event can be predicted using logic and fractions understand: DNA is code do: Make a board or video game that teaches what you learned about Genetics
Episode Doc
Episode 1 | What is DNA?
- READ: DNA: Life's Blueprint
- Ask the article follow-up question. Be ready to talk about what you learned.
Episode 2 | Genetic Variation
- READ: Sources of Genetic Variation
- Ask the article an interesting follow-up question. Be ready to talk about what you learned.
Episode 3 | Squirrel Genetics
- READ: Urbanization Shapes Squirrel Genetics
- Ask the article a really smart follow-up question. Be ready to talk about what you learned.
The Project
Note: We would love for you to participate in this project. However, if you choose not to, you will be assigned a Khan Academy module.
Level 1
- Follow the Team Launch Process
- Pitch your team to Mr. Hoff
- Get Level 1 on the Project Doc
- Complete Level 1 on the Project Doc and get your Design Brief stamped.
Level 2-4
- Find and complete this week's level in the Project Doc
Game Design Resources
📑 Design Theory - Awesome collection of quality ideas.
📑 Probability for Game Designers - Ways you can use probability in your game design
📺 24:00 How to Make a Professional Looking Board Game Prototype
📺 36:47 Top 10 Tips for Game Designers
📺 1:01:34 Designing Game Rules