title: Sci 13 | Radiation Technology banner: $$LINK$$https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1518770660439-4636190af475?q=80&w=2670&auto=format&fit=crop&ixlib=rb-4.0.3&ixid=M3wxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8fA%3D%3D banner-position: center tags:

Episode Doc

Episode 1 | Solar Panels

Episode 2 | Information Transmission

Episode 3 | Information Sharing

The Project

Link to Design Briefopen_in_new

Your Main Goal

Find a topic you care about. Learn about it. Make something cool. Enjoy the process.

Topics (Pick 1)

We learned about waves, digital communication, and digital information storage.

Pick something that's relevant to your life


Wave Interference

Doppler Effect

Polarization of Light


Fiber Optic Communication

Wireless Technologies

Satellite Communication


Medical Imaging Techniques

X-Ray Technology

Radiation Therapy


Data Encryption

Digital Footprint

Blockchain Technology

Emerging Tech

Quantum Computing

3D Printing

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Gravitational Waves

Space Telescopes

Exoplanet Discovery

Human Impact

Light Pollution

Electronic Waste

Digital Divide

Sound and Acoustics

Physics of Musical Instruments

Acoustic Engineering


Light and Stuff

Electromagnetic Spectrum Utilization

Laser Technology

Solar Energy Technologies


Social Media Algorithms

Privacy and Data Rights

Technological Ethics

Products (Pick 1)

You can make whatever you want, as long as it's cool.

And also shows you learned a bunch of science.

Physical Products

Digital Products

Performative Products

The Showcase

We'll be showcasting our work in class on Tuesday (Nov. 26th). Make sure you have a slide on the Showcase Slidesopen_in_new.